- Basic training, MotoSim basic training and general experience in the use of Yaskawa controllers.
- The MotoSim software includes some functions that were not covered in the basic training. These topics are explained in several extra modules. This module takes its focus on the offline programming process. The necessary step to recreate an existing robot cell in the MotoSim environment will be discussed thoroughly. Furthermore, robot jobs will be exchanged and optimized between the simulation and the physical robot.
- • Repetition: general steps of offline programming
• Structure of procedures, projects and backups
• Create a simulation using a backup file
• Recreate the general framework of the physical robot system
• Create and exchange robot jobs between the physical robot and the simulation
- This training build on top of the knowledge that is gathered in the basic robot training and the basic MotoSim training which are prerequisites for this class.
- After concluding the class, a certificate will be awarded.